You do not have to be an over-the-road truck driver to appreciate the value of radar detectors. Anyone that drives can appreciate the value of radar detectors. They help you to avoid speed traps on the road and reduce the number of tickets you may get.
These devices have come a long way over the last couple of decades. They come chockful of features that can make your driving time easier. Learn about the top three features you should look for in your next radar detector.
Choosing the Right Detector
To get the best protection, it is important that you choose the right detector. There is an abundance of features available, like voice commands, connecting to your smartphone, and GPS capabilities. There is a wide range of price points for detectors based on the number of features and technology.
Some features you can live without, and some are must-haves. We made it easier to make the right choice by listing the top three features of your next detector to have to give you the best in protection.
Complete Protection
Look for a detector that offers 360-degree protection. Older models only offered “what's in front” protection. Today's X-band radar systems are low-frequency, with high output, and can provide protection up to four miles away in all directions.
This feature is important to ensure that you not only know what is in front of you, but what is behind you and next to you.
Visual VS Voice Alerts
The job of radar detectors is to alert the driver to the radar band. Today's models are often outfitted with visual and voice alerting systems. You do not have to choose between the two. However, you do want to choose a model that has voice alert volume control.
You may find voice alerts distracting while driving. Choose a detector that comes with the features that allow you to control alerts.
Eliminating Oscillation
Police officers and highway patrolmen can detect the use of radar detectors through oscillation. RDDs (radar detector detectors) outfitted in most highway patrol cars can identify drivers that are using a radar detector through the oscillation of the device. Newer models eliminate oscillation to cloak the use of the device.
Choose your next detector from a trusted source that offers those top three features, and enjoy driving worry-free.